Trauma and PTSD

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Therapy for Trauma in Peterborough, ON

Most people will experience trauma in their lifetime whether it’s a car accident, abuse or neglect, the sudden death of a loved one, a violent criminal act, exposure to war, or a natural disaster.

While many people can recover from trauma over time with the love and support of family and friends, others may live with the effects of lasting trauma. This can cause deep emotional pain, fear, confusion, or post-traumatic stress (PTSD) far after the event has passed.

In these circumstances, the support, guidance, and assistance of a therapist is fundamental to healing from trauma. It's where Restorative Mind Body Connections can help. We serve the Peterborough, Ontario, area with experienced and compassionate therapy for trauma and PTSD. 

The Symptoms of Trauma and PTSD

According to the the DSM-5, there are four types of symptoms of trauma and areas where a therapist can provide effective intervention. These include: 

Avoidance Symptoms

  • Avoiding specific locations, sights, situations, and sounds that serve as reminders of the event
  • Anxiety, depression, numbness, or guilt

Re-experiencing Symptoms

  • Intrusive thoughts, nightmares, or flashbacks

Hyperarousal Symptoms

  • Anger, irritability, or hypervigilance
  • Aggressive, reckless behaviour, including self-harm
  • Sleep disturbances

Negative Mood and Cognition Symptoms

  • Loss of interest in activities that were once considered enjoyable
  • Difficulty remembering details of the distressing event
  • Change in habits or behaviour since the trauma

How Trauma Therapy Works

Research has proven that psychotherapy is the most effective form of treatment for trauma. Leading experts in trauma indicate that recovery requires a mind body connection, and that awareness of how the two communicate is essential for symptom relief.  

At Restorative Mind Body Connections, a trauma therapist will work to first learn how to regulate the physical symptoms of trauma that is occurring in your body. It is impossible to address the underlying pain and fear of trauma unless the body knows it is safe. They will then work with the emotional and psychological wounds, helping you to get on a path toward recovery from trauma. 

Get Relief From Trauma With a Therapist in Peterborough

If you or someone you know is experiencing some or all of the trauma symptoms listed above, let Restorative Mind Body Connections help. We have experienced trauma therapists who serve clients across the Peterborough, ON, area with compassionate, effective treatment for trauma and PTSD.