Brianna Robinson, MA, RP, BCN

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Brianna is a compassionate and dedicated therapist focusing on trauma treatment and recovery. With a commitment to helping individuals heal from their past experiences, Brianna integrates evidence based therapeutic techniques into her practice, including Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), and other trauma-informed approaches.

Driven by her passion for supporting clients through their healing journey, Brianna uses a holistic approach that addresses both the psychological and physiological aspects of trauma.

She understands that everyone’s experience is unique and requires personalized care, and she creates a safe and nurturing environment where clients can explore their emotions and memories without judgment.

Brianna’s expertise in CPT allows her clients to reframe and reprocess traumatic memories, empowering them to break free from the cycle of distress and move towards a more fulfilling life. Additionally, her utilization of trauma-informed approaches ensures that clients feel validated and understood throughout their therapeutic journey.

With a deep understanding of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Brianna guides her clients through their journeys with empathy and kindness. She creates a safe and nurturing space where individuals feel supported as they learn essential DBT skills to navigate life's challenges and cultivate emotional resilience. Brianna’s genuine care and unwavering commitment empower her clients to embark on a path of healing, growth, and lasting transformation.

When Brianna is not in the therapy room, you can often find her immersed in nature, rejuvenating herself with long walks or soaking up the sun in her garden. She believes in the restorative power of nature and strives to incorporate elements of mindfulness and presence into my daily life. In her downtime, you might find her curled up with a good book, as these moments of self-care fuel my passion for life and inspire me to bring my whole, authentic self to our therapeutic journey together.

She is here to support you, to listen without judgment, and to walk alongside you as you navigate life's challenges and embrace its joys. Together, you will create a space where you feel seen, heard, and valued, empowering you to discover your inner strength and resilience.

I look forward to getting to know you and embarking on this journey of growth and transformation together.