Our Guiding Principles

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The Mindy and Body are not separate, yet they are often treated that way. We embrace holistic and restorative methods, alongside evidence-based therapies for an integrative approach to recovery.


The mind consists of pathways that can shape everything from our emotions to behaviours and even theexpression of genes within our DNA. By harnessing the power of the mind, we aim to restore the flow of information that moves within the entire person.


Establishing a relationship with the body is an essential component of recovery. Understanding the body’s role in recovery is not just about addressing physical symptoms but also involves engaging in practices that promote restorative mind body connection. We believe in fostering a deeper connection with the body and the information it provides, enhancing both physical and mental health.


Our holistic and integrative approach emphasizes flexible and adaptive strategies that not only aim to restore Holistic integration of the mind and body through flexible and adaptive ways that restore vitality, but also facilitates a journey through the continuum of mental health and wellness. We support you while you make the connections that guide you through the continuum of mental health and wellness.

Trauma Informed Care: 

We are committed to safety, trustworthiness, choice, collaboration and empowerment.  We create a welcoming environment, provide clear information about expectations -  both of us and our clients.  We provide information about options available for psychotherapy and we seek feedback from our clients perspective.  

Health Promotion and Harm Reduction:

We work in a way that provides clients a greater sense of control over decisions affecting their health.  We look at the interconnectedness of biological, psychological, sociological and spiritual/emotional components that shape our lives.  Health is related to the sense of connection - both to self and the world.  

Through this lens, we take the approach of "What happened" rather than "What is wrong".  We will support you in optimising your health, while minimising any potential risk associated with the path you are currently on.   

Anti-Oppresion, Cultural Sensitivity and Respect:

Social identity plays a key role in our mental health.  Our framework guides us in challenging systems that are associated with oppression and contribute to the issues that bring people to therapy.  

We have deep respect and gratitude for the rich diversity of our global community, and we are indebted to the Indigenous communities of this land.   

Client Driven:

Every client has the primary decision making role in determining their needs, preferences and strengths.  As partners in your care, we have a shared role in determining the services and treatment that will be most effective for those needs.  The treatment is always based on client goals and desired outcomes.  


Confidentiality is one of the requirements to build trust, and therapy will not work if we don't earn your trust.  

As regulated professionals, we are also bound by privacy laws and a code of ethics that holds us accountable in keeping your information in strict confidence.  We will walk you through this during the intake process and answer any concerns you may have around ensuring your privacy is protected.