Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

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Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition marked by pervasive instability in mood, behavior, self-image, and interpersonal relationships. Individuals with BPD often experience intense emotions, have difficulty regulating their emotions, and struggle with a persistent fear of abandonment.

Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder:

  • Intense Mood Swings: Individuals with BPD may experience rapid and extreme shifts in mood, ranging from intense anger, anxiety, or depression to moments of euphoria or intense happiness.
  • Fear of Abandonment: A pervasive fear of abandonment is a hallmark symptom of BPD, leading individuals to engage in frantic efforts to avoid real or perceived rejection or abandonment.
  • Unstable Relationships: Individuals with BPD often have tumultuous relationships characterized by idealization and devaluation. They may alternate between seeing others as all good or all bad, leading to frequent conflicts and instability.
  • Impulsive Behavior: Impulsivity is common in individuals with BPD, manifesting as reckless behaviors such as substance abuse, binge eating, reckless driving, or self-harming behaviors.
  • Distorted Self-Image: Individuals with BPD may struggle with a distorted sense of self, feeling uncertain about their identity, values, or goals in life.
  • Chronic Feelings of Emptiness: Many individuals with BPD experience chronic feelings of emptiness or boredom, leading to a sense of inner void that is difficult to fill.
  • Dissociation: Some individuals with BPD may experience episodes of dissociation, during which they feel disconnected from reality, their thoughts, feelings, or sense of identity.

At Restorative Mind Body Connections, our team of mental health professionals is dedicated to providing personalized treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can support you on your journey to recovery and emotional well-being.